Basic faq

Common Question

Here is the translation of the steps for requesting GGBFS research samples :
1. Students/Professors/Academics/Researchers interested in conducting research related to GGBFS should provide information about their university, institution, or laboratory and state the purpose of using GGBFS.
2. Students/Professors/Academics/Researchers should fill out the GGBFS sample request form, including their personal information, address, and the required quantity.
3. Students/Professors/Academics/Researchers should submit an official letter requesting GGBFS samples addressed to PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia, along with the research objectives (Background document, purpose, and expected outcomes).
4. The sample request form, official letter, and research documents can be sent via email to or
5. PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia will send a letter acknowledging the receipt of the GGBFS sample request.
6. PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia and the researcher will sign an agreement regarding copyright related to the research results, which can be used jointly.
7. PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia will send the samples according to the official letter provided.
8. The researcher will conduct testing and periodically report the research findings.
9. The researcher will submit the research results to PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia.

1. Prospective customers interested in purchasing GGBFS should provide information about their company or non-company background and specify the purpose of using GGBFS.
2. Prospective customers should fill out the New Customer Registration Form, including details about their identity, shipping address, and shipping terms, and attach relevant company or non-company documents.
3. The New Customer Registration documents can be sent via email to or
4. PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia will provide a price quotation for GGBFS products based on the information provided in the customer registration documents via email.
5. Prospective customers should respond to the GGBFS price quotation via email.
6. Prospective customers and PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia will then negotiate the terms and conditions, reach an agreement, and create a purchase agreement document.
7. PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia will prepare a GGBFS purchase contract for the prospective customer.
8. The prospective customer signs the GGBFS purchase agreement contract.
9. Customers who have signed the contract will then provide a Purchase Order (PO) document to initiate the GGBFS procurement.
10. The goods will be delivered by PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia according to the agreed-upon quantity, delivery schedule, and destination.
11. Customers who have received the goods will make payments according to the agreed-upon payment conditions with PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia.
12. If there are any discrepancies in the GGBFS purchase, customers can file a complaint by filling out a complaint document if necessary.
Terms for purchases may include :
a. Minimum Order (Bags; Jumbo Bags; Bulk)
b. Individual/Corporate

In accordance with the procedures applicable at PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia, prospective partners interested in becoming suppliers at PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia must have the following documents :
1. Deed of Establishment & Latest Amendments
2. Power of Attorney for Management (if a branch office)
3. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and Taxpayer Confirmation Letter (SPPKP)
4. Director's ID Card (KTP Direktur)
5. Business License or Industrial Business Permit (SIUP or SIUI)
6. Business Registration Number (NIB - Nomor Induk Berusaha)
7. Business permits relevant to their field of business
8. Construction Service Business License (IUJK) for contractors in the construction field
9. Company Registration Certificate (TDP - Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)
10. Business Location Permit (SITU - Surat Ijin Tempat Usaha)
11. Bank references with the company's account number
12. Agency Letter (if applicable)
13. Import License/API (if applicable)
14. Supporting certifications (if applicable)
Prospective partners must fill out their data at the following address: [](
Verified prospective partners will receive a verification email from PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia.

External CSR funding application process :
1. Submission through the original company's Hard (Physical) proposal.
2. Prior to submission to the Public Relations & CSR department, coordinate with the Head of the CORSEC Bureau to review the urgency, budget, and the requesting region for CSR funds. Then, submit it to the management through the company's secretariat with a disposition letter from the Director.
3. If approved, the Public Relations and CSR department reviews the approved company budget (RKAP). If available, the Public Relations and CSR department prepares supporting documents (UM, MRA, and disposition letter) in accordance with the company's CSR fund disbursement procedures.
4. Distribution by contacting the designated contact person from the submitted proposal or delivering/distributing goods or donated activities requested by external parties.
5. Account for the requested UM (Usage Memo) and document Public Relations & CSR activities.

1. Students submit internship (PKL), field work (KP), or final project (TA) request documents as follows:
a. For Students:
i. Internship Request Letter from the Educational Institution
ii. Copy of Identity Card (KTP) (if available) and Student Card
b. For College Students:
i. Internship or Final Project Request Letter from the Educational Institution
ii. Internship Proposal or Final Project Proposal
iii. Copy of Identity Card (KTP) and Student Identification Card
2. Request documents can be sent by mail to the KSI office or by email to
3. The HR & General Affairs Bureau will send a confirmation letter or notification via email and/or WhatsApp to the students
4. Students who receive a confirmation letter of acceptance will proceed with the contract signing process, which includes participant information, rules, internship procedures, followed by an induction course at PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia, including company profile, safety induction, and introduction to the placement work unit.
5. The internship period is one month, with the possibility of extension for a maximum of three months if needed.
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